joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Milka's "Orasul Tandretii" site walkthrough

Ideea and creative by - Saatchi & Saatchi Romania

Site graphics by - Golem Studio

Client - Milka

marți, 13 septembrie 2011

Golems for Brandient for Bitdefender...

Brandient, the leading Romanian brand strategy and design
company,was given the tough mission of elevating the brand
 to the heights of the product.
 At the level of visual identity, Brandient armed Bitdefender
with a powerful, sharp weapon: the legendary symbol of the
Dacian Dragon-Wolf. Half wolf, half serpent, this totemic
creature embodies today a 3D unique and distinctive avatar,
which become the key visual of the 2012 product suite.
The 3D design and production was done by Brandient in
collaboration with Golem Studio.

joi, 8 septembrie 2011

Campanie Anti-Doping


client - ANAD

 Golem was anti doping, this summer
 Client A.N.A.D
 Director. Bogdan Lazar
 CGI - Golem