miercuri, 23 septembrie 2009

pencil test depot

pencil test depot , e o initiativa excelenta de a posta doar teste in creion ....filmele o sa vb. de la sine . Io tac:

Milt Kahl - Mr. Snoops Pencil Test from David Nethery on Vimeo.

joi, 10 septembrie 2009

A hero with a thousand faces....


Publicata in 1949, cand omenirea isi cauta suruburile dupa razboi , The hero with a thousand faces, e despre mitologii si eroi si monomyth ( toate marile mituri sunt de fapt unu si acelasi lucru), si e una din cele mai bune. ... a si e teorie......
Sursa de inspiratie pentru: Kubrik, Arthur C. Clarke, Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison , George Lucas, Mickey Hart, Bob Weir.......
.......Christopher Vogler producator si scenarist a scris un memo pt. Disney sa foloseasca The Hero with a Thousand Faces ca Biblie pt scenaristi.
...... Neil Gaiman a refuzat sa termine cartea pt ca:
"I think I got about half way through The Hero with a Thousand Faces and found myself thinking if this is true — I don’t want to know. I really would rather not know this stuff. I’d rather do it because it’s true and because I accidentally wind up creating something that falls into this pattern than be told what the pattern is."

Project Waldo


.. a very talented artist , with a lot of passion and a great project.
more here:

Project Waldo

miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009

Luxo sues Pixar for trademark infringement!


Lampmaker Luxo ASA, creators of the original Luxo desk lamp, unexpectedly filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against Pixar in U.S. federal court* on Friday, ending some twenty-three years of amicable relations between the two companies.

more on Pixar's Blog

luni, 7 septembrie 2009

Animation Survival Kit !!!! BoxSet


How would you like a triple Oscar winner as your personal animation instructor?

check this out:

Animation Survival Kit

duminică, 6 septembrie 2009

Fables - comic series


De cele mai multe ori reciclarea ideilor e teren minat. Putini autori se aventureaza pe ghiata subtire a povestilor clasice, iar daca o fac de cele mai multe ori esueaza. Familarul se incapataneza sa ramana familiar.
Cu seria "Fables", Bill Willingham bate la usa "mereu tinerilor" (Scufita Rosie, Alba ca zapada, Printesa Adormita, Cenusareasa), pt a le propune o vata noua de secol 21. Cand am cumparat prima jumatate din intreaga serie am fost destul de sceptic in legatura cu capacitatea lor de a ma surprinde. Bill Willingham mi-a dovedit ca m-am inselat.
Premiza "Fables" e simpla: izgonite din lumea lor de o forta misterioasa numita "Adversarul" personajele povestilor copilariei s-au deghizat si traiesc printre noi ( "banalii"). Condusi de King Cole, avand-o pe Alba ca Zapada ca primar si pe Lupul cel Rau ca serif, au cumparat un cartier din New York si incearca sa se integreze lumii moderne.
Maestria lui Willingham transforma "mundane"-ul in fantastic in primul rand datorita capacitatii lui unice de a atribui tiplogiilor clasice , arhetipuri moderne.
Lupul e un om al legii intunecat si cenusiu ( un fel de Morgan Freeman in Seven), Snow White e politician modern , "sacrifica" viata personala in folosul vietii publice, Fat Frumos e evident un pierde vara, care traieste in urma cuceririlor amoroase si vrea in politica.
Prin toate aceste metamorfoze Bill Willingham coace o extraordinara poveste moderna despre crima, razboi si alienare, folosinduse de personaje familiare intr un
spatiu nefamiliar.

Laureat al 3 premii Eisner, Fables "is a must".

publisher - Vertigo Comics
issues - #82 ( 12 softcover)
Written by Bill Willingham; Artist by Mark Buckingham, Mike Allred, Andrew Pepoy, Peter Gross and David Hahn; Cover by James Jean

sâmbătă, 5 septembrie 2009

30 de mil dolari :) cel mai mare premiu din istorie



The Google Lunar X PRIZE is a $30 million international competition to safely land a robot on the surface of the Moon, travel 500 meters over the lunar surface, and send images and data back to the Earth. Teams must be at least 90% privately funded and must be registered to compete by December 31, 2010. The first team to land on the Moon and complete the mission objectives will be awarded $20 million; the full first prize is available until December 31, 2012. After that date, the first prize will drop to $15 million. The second team to do so will be awarded $5 million. Another $5 million will awarded in bonus prizes. The final deadline for winning the prize is December 31, 2014.

vineri, 4 septembrie 2009

Site-ul golem e gata!

Nu e "The site" dar e gata. Si e on line. Si are munca noastra in el.
Acum trebuie reinviat blogul.

la treaba!
